Downloading Case Studies
In this section:
Downloading purchased products
Downloading educator and review copies
Downloading purchased products
- Create an account.
- Sign in to your account.
- Add products to your shopping cart. Because these materials are protected by copyright, it is unlawful to copy or reproduce materials purchased or downloaded from this site. Please purchase as many copies as you need. For example, to teach a case study to 50 participants, enter “50” in the quantity field.
- Proceed with checkout.
- You will receive an email with your materials attached as PDF files. You will need a version of Adobe Acrobat to view the files.
Download instructions are available here for Program on Negotiation products not hosted on the HLS Case Studies website.
Downloading educator and review copies
Educators and staff at degree-granting institutions are able to download any available watermarked educator copies of our materials free of charge.
To access a free copy:
- Register as an educator or staff at non-profit or educational institutions. Your access to educator and review copies will begin once a staff member at HLS Case Studies has verified your account.
- Sign in to your verified account.
- Click "educator copy" or "review copy" on the product page.
- Add the educator copy to your shopping cart and proceed with checkout. You will not be charged for the educator copy.
- You will receive an email with your watermarked educator copy attached as a PDF file. You will need a version of Adobe Acrobat to view your file.
For-profit trainers are eligible, through the same process, for review copies of role plays from the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program.
Downloading teaching manuals
If a teaching note is available, it will be included in the free educator or review copy.
If the note is not available, please contact the Case Studies Program at or 617-495-8689 for more information.
If you experience difficulty accessing registration or address forms, or if you click on the “Checkout” button and nothing happens, you may need to clear your cache and cookies. Instructions for various browsers are listed here.
Sometimes, simply exiting and restarting your browser, or accessing the site from another browser, will fix the problem.
If these actions fail to resolve the problem, please contact the Case Studies Program or 617-495-8689 for assistance.
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